Director’s message
LLP of the Higher Medical College “Taraz-Bolashak”
Director’s message

It is shown that the main problem of the education system of the Republic is the formation of a person who is fluent in deep knowledge, qualified skills acquired in accordance with the requirements of society through vocational and Technical Education, who is able to achieve their goals through qualitative activities, and who is able to make correct, effective decisions independently. In connection with this change, the higher medical college "Taraz-Bolashak" annually improves its degree in accordance with modern changes.
In 2004, the college "Bolashak" was registered with the Ministry of Education and science of the Republic of Kazakhstan on the basis of Order No. 353 dated 23.04.2004 and started its work as an organization of vocational and humanitarian education. The state license of the Ministry of Education and science of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated 27.04.2004 AA Series No. 0010004 was issued.
In 2010, by the order № 832 dated 26.11.2010 of the Department of education of the Zhambyl region, the vocational and humanitarian college "Bolashak" was transformed into the college "Bolashak" and the state license and application were reissued due to changes in the names and codes of specialties.
In July 2015, the college "Bolashak" passed the state re-registration of a legal entity, and it was renamed to the limited liability company of Taraz college “Bolashak".
In March 2017, LLP of Taraz college "Bolashak" was renamed to LLP of the medical college "Taraz-Bolashak". On April 29, 2019, LLP of the medical college "Taraz-Bolashak" was renamed to LLP of the higher medical college "Taraz-Bolashak" .
On May 13, 2019, the Committee for control in the field of Education and science of the Ministry of Education and science of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the Department for control in the field of Education of Zhambyl region issued a license No. KZ19LAA00016058.
In order to train qualified specialists in demand on the labor market, the college trains full-time students in all specialties specified in the license in the following specialties: 09120100 -"Medical business", 09130100- "Nursing", 09130200-"Obstetrics", 09880100-"Hygiene and epidemiology", 09140100 - "Laboratory diagnostics" (medical laboratory assistant).
Since 2019, students are accepted in the specialty 09130100-" Applied bachelor of Nursing".
Now this educational institution has become the only one in the region and even in the southern regions of Kazakhstan that trains large, medium-sized medical workers. Today, 1892 young people study at the college. Young graduates who have graduated from the college are studying in higher educational institutions in their speciality, as well as work in regional and city institutions.
In LLP of the higher medical college "Taraz-Bolashak" employs 110 specialists with higher education, including 2 Doctors of science, 2 candidates of science, 17 Masters, 1 doctor of Philosophy (PhD), 3 specialists with excellent healthcare professionals, 16 specialists of the highest category, 3 specialists of the first category and 11 specialists of the second category.
One of the strategic goals of the college is to enter the International Space and Exchange best practices for training professionals abroad.
On November 26, 2010, the Committee for control in the field of Education and science of the Ministry of Education and science of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the Department for control in the field of Education of Zhambyl region issued a license No. KZ19LAA00016058.
The concept of development of medical and Pharmaceutical Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan for 2011-2020 states that management improvement will be provided at all levels of the scientific and innovative process, measures will be taken to develop scientific and innovative infrastructure, improve the quality of training of scientific personnel, create conditions for the integration of medical and pharmaceutical science, education and practice. For this purpose, the Simulation Training Center is a structural division of the college and a training center that implements modern forms and methods of organizing training within the framework of Continuing Professional Education in the field of healthcare.
In accordance with the Charter of LLP of the higher medical college "Taraz – Bolashak " on the right to conduct educational activities dated July 17, 2015 and the state license of the Department of education of Zhambyl region dated November 26, 2010 № 0048235, as part of the college, there is a center for continuous professional development and retraining of medical specialties graduated from higher and secondary specialized educational institutions. In addition, you can get a practical lecture on simulation skills at the center. The simulation center is fully equipped with the latest modern equipment. The teaching staff consists of doctors and candidates of Medical Sciences, General Practitioners of the highest and first categories. In particular, the famous doctors of our region as Zhoshibayev Seitkhan, Ordabekov Sagyndyk , Doskulov Oraz and others work here.
A Medical Center –a clinical base of the college was opened as part of the limited liability partnership college "Taraz – Bolashak" in connection with the state license No. 16006418 issued by the Administration of Health Department of Zhambyl region on April 15, 2016. The Medical Center is fully equipped with modern equipment (X-ray, ultrasound, ECG devices, biochemical and hematological analyzers, physio – equipment, etc.).
There are some parts of the Medical Center:
* Registration
* Outpatient consulting offices (GP, general practitioner, pediatrician, cardiologist, gastroenterologist, neurologist, dermatologist, endocrinologist, allergist, gynecologist, surgeon, urologist, profpatologist, otorhinolaryngologist, ophthalmologist).
* Diagnostic rooms.
* Laboratory rooms.
* Physical therapy,
* Physical therapy, massage and a day hospital.
In all spheres of spiritual and material life of our society, along with mass media, the library has a huge impact. The college has a reading room and a library for 120 readers.
LLP of the higher medical college “Taraz –Bolashak” takes a prize place among the educational institutions of the city in terms of evaluating cultural, recreational and sports activities by the rating system. Our college has a sports complex in a 2-storey building. There are sportsground, gym, gymnastics and simulators here. Sports sections work in the sports hall.
Students from remote regions are provided with dormitory by the college. LLP of the higher medical college "Taraz-Bolashak " takes into account the requirements of education, considering a person as the highest value and improving the quality of educational activities based on the training of a high-quality specialist. Since 2016, the documents of the Medical College" Taraz-Bolashak " have been issued in accordance with the requirements of the quality management system. LLP of the higher medical college “Taraz-Bolashak” was registered in the State Register of the state system of technical regulation of the Republic of Kazakhstan on April 27, 2016, in accordance with the requirements of St RK ISO 9001:2009 ( ISO 9001:2009) "Quality management systems.Requirements. " in the field of secondary specialized vocational training, in relation to the provision of educational activities.
Through systematic changes in the educational process of the college, through the transition to individualization of education and socialization of students taking into account the needs of the labor market, innovative development of the College, which demonstrates a set of educational activities at a high level, effectively works on the formation of an active citizen in a state of financial and economic independence, capable of self – government, self – development, systematic self-development.
Sincerely, director of the Higher Medical College"Taraz-Bolashak"
Askarov Kanat Pernebayevich